As part of the Digital week 2024 organized by Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA), the GEO RĪGA team announces a series of engaging events aimed at showcasing the potential of geographic information systems (GIS) and unveiling the functionalities of the GEO RĪGA portal.

During the Digital Week 2024, running from May 14 to May 16, the GEO RĪGA team will host two webinars:

  • May 14, 14.00 EET – Introduction to GEO RĪGA portal. Join the webinar to delve into the basics of the GEO RĪGA portal, exploring publicly available data and resources. Join the webinar here.
  • May 15, 10.00 EET – Geographic Information Systems as a Tool for Process Management and Data-Driven Decision Making. Join this session to explore the potential of GIS as a facilitator for efficient process management and informed decision making. Join the webinar here.

In addition to these webinars, the GEO RĪGA team will host seven face-to face workshops in Rīga, providing attendees with hands-on experience and practical guidance on using the portal’s tools for each individual needs. More information is available here.

From April 29 to June 20, the innovation movement VEFRESH together with Riga Technical University is organizing the Urban Mobility Incubator for the fourth time. The incubator aims to develop and test mobility solutions in Riga. The incubator offers financial support for teams to realise and prototype their ideas, mentoring sessions and lectures, as well as the opportunity to deploy their solution in the urban environment. Teams are invited to apply for the incubator until 5 April!

“Urban Mobility incubator” is a project supported by the prestigious European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Urban Mobility), and organised by the innovation movement “VEFRESH” together with partners Riga City Council and Riga Technical University (RTU). The cooperation between the partners provides fast, convenient, and optimized support for the development and deployment of innovative products or services in urban environments and gives the teams access to an EU-wide network of partners.

Why is it important to look for innovative solutions for urban mobility? Urban mobility accounts for 40% of all CO2 emissions of road transport and up to 70% of other pollutants from transport within the EU. By transforming urban mobility, we can improve quality of life, reduce costs, and contribute to achieving climate targets, thus helping cities become climate neutral by 2030 and making them more inclusive and safer.

The incubator invites participants to propose ideas that address current mobility challenges identified by cities, including logistics, energy & EV charging, 5G, public transport, etc. We welcome both new teams with an ambition to develop a new business idea and established start-ups looking to improve processes and accelerate the deployment of their product or service in an urban environment.

The selected teams – this year five – will participate in personalised mentoring sessions and joint workshops led by industry-recognised experts from TwoDots Startup Consulting and Riga Technical University. The programme content will be tailored to the teams’ needs, focusing on market research, business strategy, prototype development, marketing and attracting investors. In addition, teams will have the opportunity to develop their products in a hands-on prototyping workshop, where individual consultations will also be available at the RTU’s workshop “theLab”. The programme will take place in a hybrid format.

Additionally, teams will receive financial support to develop their idea. The total financial pool is €12,000, which will be shared between the teams to cover prototyping and piloting costs.

“The Urban Mobility Incubator has been an extraordinary journey that transformed our capabilities and filled the gaps we once had. The IoT integration we implemented through the programme funding has helped exceptionally – without it, we couldn’t have closed the deal with a new partner,” says Winston van der Pol, participant of the Urban Mobility incubator 2023 from team Fastlane.

Apply to the Urban Mobility Incubator if you are looking for support for your innovative business idea! Find out more about the application, programme, and city challenges here:

The Riga Planning Region calls on local residents to engage in air quality measurements in Riga. This Urban ReLeaf campaign aims to facilitate evidence-based urban planning, aligning with the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals.

Using sensors, the campaign seeks to gather data on air quality, temperature, and variability across different areas of Riga City Centre.  

PM2.5 pollution is a significant environmental hazard, causing premature mortality. In the European Union in 2018, 380,000 deaths were attributed to PM2.5 and 75,000 to Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone combined. The ratio is even more pronounced in Latvia with 1,800 deaths attributed to PM2.5 pollution compared to 130 from NO2 and O3. 

Only two official monitoring stations in Riga measure PM2.5, the city has a need for additional data to support better decision-making. Therefore, from May 2024 to April 2026, 20 air quality sensors will be placed throughout the city, with a focus on PM2.5 pollution. 

The study aims to educate stakeholders and compare air quality between urban green spaces and high-traffic areas. Seven sensors will be placed in green areas, while thirteen will be installed in collaboration with residents across various locations in the City Centre. 

This opportunity is ideal for individuals interested in Riga’s air quality, or who are keen to learn about citizen science and those residing in or near the city centre. Participation involves filling out an application form, with thirteen residents being selected based on the suitability of proposed sensor locations and project requirements.  

For residents who will participate in the study:
⚈ Resident will receive one air quality sensor for installation in living / working place to measure pollution;
⚈ It will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire in which the macro and micro conditions of sensor placement are described in more detail;
⚈ It is desirable to ensure the operation of the sensor in the designated place for at least 2 years;
⚈ An opportunity to receive technical support will be provided in situations where there are problems with the operation of the sensor;
⚈ Technical problems with the sensors will require access to the sensor for repair.

Application deadline: March 18, 2024


A high-resolution 3D reality model of Riga has been published on GEO RIGA ( as part of the ongoing work to create a geospatial digital twin for the Riga administrative area, where one can already take a virtual look at 14 neighbourhoods of the city’s historic centre and its development preservation zone, with a 3D vector model showing a simplified geometry of the buildings.

‘The Riga 3D vector and reality model is a virtual model of the city, where you can quickly and easily view the city’s buildings, and it represents the foundation for the development of Riga’s digital twin. Following the latest trends in Europe and the Baltic States, we began working on a high-resolution photorealistic 3D vector and reality model of the city in 2021. We can already see that the geospatial data produced as part of the project serve as an important tool for both the municipal government and the society, providing specialists in various fields with quickly accessible, modern, and up-to-date geospatial information,’ Diāna Korbe, head of the Geomatics Division at the Riga Local Government City Development Department, explained the significance of the project.

The 3D vector and reality model of Riga now covers an area of 55 km2, including the historic centre of Riga and its protection zone. Careful and technically complex work has resulted in a number 2D and 3D data products based on the geospatial data produced: a 3D vector model of buildings at LOD2 level of detail, a high-resolution 3D reality model, a classified set of laser scanning points, a digital elevation model, and high-resolution orthophoto maps.

The LOD2 3D vector city building model is extensively used for urban areas and project development across Europe and makes it possible for every building to be viewed as an individual object. Their simplified geometry is shown on all sides and technical information can be added to every object. The plan for the coming months is to publish the 3D vector models of the buildings, freely available for download.

The most technically complicated work was developing the 3D reality model of the city, which is now published on the GEO RIGA website, covering 14 neighbourhoods: Vecpilsēta, Centrs, Pētersala-Andrejsala, Brasa, Bolderāja, Jaunmīlgrāvis, Mežaparks, Maskavas forštate, Sarkandaugava, Skanste, Vecāķi, Vecdaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, and Ziemeļblāzma cultural historic compound. Due to the large quantities of data, the publishing of the reality model is gradual, with plans to complete this process in the first half of this year, adding a 3D reality model for the zones with protected development on the left and right bank of the Daugava.

The availability of 3D geospatial data for Riga is an excellent tool that experts can use to quickly obtain free information, save resources and increase working efficiency in various fields: planning and execution of development and construction design, preparation of scientific and research works, in the tourism sector, etc. Architecture, surveying, and archaeology specialists will find the 3D set of laser scanning points to be an important source of information, with ever point describing the surface of an object or environment and is important for the spatial analysis of sites or for creating a detailed 3D model of the area.

The 3D reality model makes it possible to view a realistic representation of the urban environment and to analyse it. For example, it can be used to digitally visualise and model new construction plans, which is particularly important for investors. On the map, one can see every building and courtyard in Riga, add building projects and see what shadows are like at different times of the day and in different seasons, assessing how the planned architecture will fit into and look in the urban environment.

The 3D model also provides a digital representation of land surface features, which can be integrated with various software applications in the future. This technical solution is most often used for calculating and modelling situations related to water flows, floods, analysing solar energy potential, etc. For example, in predicting floods, it can be used to determine which areas will flood first if water rises to a certain level.

The city’s digital twin is most often used for urban planning and the supervision of construction processes, as it is physically impossible to quickly inspect and monitor the entire city area. In just a few seconds, the municipality’s specialists can use the 3D maps to view buildings, parks, streets, determine heights of buildings, and other things. In the future, the possibility of virtual exploration of the city will also help build a better understanding of the urban space among the public, which is important for organising public discussions on planned development and construction. These technical solutions also have the possibility to add digital historical building documentation to individual sites, saving the time needed to retrieve the information from the archive.

The geospatial data used to develop the 3D reality and 3D vector models of the city and its buildings were produced using sophisticated and time-consuming methods, with aerial laser scanning and aerial photography from a helicopter. In the Old Town Riga, laser scanning was also done from the ground level. The task of putting the data, sets of points and photographs obtained from both the air and the ground together was particularly challenging and technically complex, but it was necessary to produce the most detailed and geometrically accurate 3D reality model of the Old Town Riga neighbourhood.

In addition, GEO RIGA also offers other types of thematic maps, including the Riga reality model developed by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency.

Parts of Riga’s geospatial digital twin that have undergone significant urban changes are planned to be updated within 3–5 year, which depends on the funding available. The project is implemented by the Riga City Council Urban Development Department.

Rīga Investment and Tourism Agency (RITA) has announced an open call for their Startup Ecosystem Support Program for 2024.

The aim of the program is to promote the growth of the start-up ecosystem in Rīga by co-financing and supporting the activities of organizations dedicated to nurturing new ventures. By backing initiatives that promote startup development, program aims to spark a wave of innovative businesses.

The competition’s target audience is applicants whose daily work is related to start-ups and the promotion of their development.
Application for this year’s finance is open until March 10, 23:59:59
Maximum Co-Financing: EUR 20,000.00 per event
Total Program Budget (2024): EUR 120,000.00
Information about the program, application process and qualifying conditions (in Latvian):

To promote public and environmental safety while equipping the Riga Municipal Police with the latest technology, Riga, together with the municipality of Turin and the support of telecommunications companies, is participating in the European Union pilot project “5G4LIVES”. The pilot sites are the popular recreational areas of Riga – Vecāķi and Kīšezers beaches, where the latest 5G technologies will be installed and automated drone flights will be introduced to the municipal police.


The project kick-off workshop took place at Riga City Hall on 29 and 30 January, where project participants and experts discussed the progress of the project, issues related to optimal emergency management of the municipal police and data-driven forecasting through automatic risk zone assessment.

“Smart technologies and 5G connectivity are a strategically important part of Riga’s long-term development plan. 5G can be used in mobility, healthcare, education, arts, science and security. Connectivity is as important today as electricity was a century ago and the City of Riga is working to bridge the digital divide so that all citizens can benefit from these developments. Security is one of Riga’s priorities, so we particularly appreciate that the 5G project directly expands the operational capabilities of the Riga Municipal Police,” said Linda Ozola, Deputy Chairperson of the Riga City Council, at the launch of the project.


The Riga Municipal Police already uses drones in its operational work, for example to control public transport lanes, to detect uncleared building roofs, or to search for people, but they also have drawbacks – they require a police officer to operate them and their battery power is not suitable for long and prolonged overflights. Andrejs Aronovs, Deputy Chief of Riga Municipal Police, explains. We are talking about drones that can patrol in an automated way for long periods of time to record offences and monitor order also in wider areas, for example on the water bodies of Riga.”

The project will purchase four drones for automated flights with thermal and infrared cameras for the Riga Municipal Police, providing two drones in each project area. These drones will be used for life-saving in bathing areas, control of people on ice, control of poaching and shipping, animal surveillance, public order monitoring, detection of environmental pollution, etc., as well as for other functions of the municipal police. The introduction of automated drones will increase the efficiency of the municipal police and public safety, as their operation will relieve the workload of police officers-pilots and information from the drone will be transmitted via smart solutions.

The project is being implemented by the Riga City Council, Riga Municipal Police, together with the City of Turin, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the telecommunications companies “Latvijas Mobilais telefons”, “Windtre” (Italy), “Electronic communication office of Latvia” and the open innovation movement “Vefresh”.

The overall duration of the project is 3 years. The project “5G systems development for protecting lives and public health in Riga – 5G4LIVES” is co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility Digital Programme of the European Union. The project will run for a total of 3 years and the total cost of the project in Riga and Turin is expected to reach €3,826,000. The project implementation costs in Riga Municipality will amount to € 922 000. Of the total costs, 691.5 thousand are financed by the European Union and 230.5 thousand by the Riga Municipality.


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Grant agreement Nr. 101133716

On January 22, Green Dash project kick-off event took place gathering the project partners – Latvijas Pasts, PostNord, innovation movement VEFRESH, Rīga City Council, and Bruntor, as well as the representatives of the EIT Urban mobility.

GREEN DASH project is set to improve last mile deliveries and utility service provision in collaboration with national postal delivery companies Latvijas Pasts (Latvia) and PostNord (Denmark), and Rīga City Council. Focused on addressing the escalating challenges posed by the surge in e-commerce, GREEN DASH aims to deploy and refine electric cargo scooters as a practical solution.

In a partnership with Rīga City Council, GREEN DASH is actively working towards creating a seamless utility service provision solution for cities. The pilot program will unfold in the historic Old Riga, where utility workers will test and provide valuable feedback on the EV cargo scooters’ functionality in diverse geographical and weather conditions.

Key project objectives:

  • Testing and improvement of Bruntor EV cargo scooter: the goal is to create a robust and efficient electric cargo scooter tailored to meet the demands of modern urban logistics.
  • Utility service provision solution: collaborating with Rīga City Council, Bruntor extends its focus to create a convenient utility service provision solution for cities.
  • Environmental Impact and Efficiency: the overarching mission is to improve overall logistics efficiency and alleviate urban traffic congestion. By embracing electric cargo scooters, GREEN DASH project aims to significantly reduce air and noise pollution, contributing to a more sustainable urban environment.

As the project unfolds, building on the insights, policy recommendations will be developed to contribute to the advancement of sustainable urban logistics practices in cities.

Green Dash project is co-financed by the EIT Urban mobility.
