Energy and Climate

Sustainability at the Heart of Progress: Sustainability and the principles of sustainable development have always been important to the Rīga City Council. The city development planning is already based on it, and work on the implementation of the UN’s sustainable development goals is also ongoing. Rīga is also one of the cities participating in the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. To achieve this ambitious goal Rīga is facilitating challenge-driven innovations. The smart city’s focus is on sustainable mobility, green energy, data driven and nature-based solutions.


Energy and Climate

SUPERSHINE project  focuses on the renovation of social housing to help households struggling to pay their energy bills, contributing to the decrease of energy poverty. It aims to create replicable models of smart districts, based on energy efficiency, affordability, and sustainability and […]

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Energy and Climate

The aim of the project is to improve the management of construction waste generated by households and to raise the knowledge and capacity of municipal employees in planning, developing and […]

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Energy and ClimateMobility

Decarbonization requires a systemic and integrated approach that recognizes trade-offs with other policy goals, and that takes citizens on board through participative and democratic principles. This pilot aims to apply […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

The project aims to increase the capacity of municipality staff and local stakeholders to deal with energy transition issues. In the project CommitClimate, cities will develop, test and deploy a […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

The project Climate-4-CAST provides authorities with a tool to visualize and analyze various action scenarios for meeting climate goals to better plan public budgets with climate neutrality measures and monitor […]

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Energy and Climate

The aim of the project is to support public sector institutions in the process of climate neutrality planning in the context of European countries and cities moving towards climate neutrality, […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and ClimateMobility

Urban logistics and plaNning: AntiCipating urban freigHt generAtion and demand including dIgitalisation of urbaN freight (UNCHAIN)  The project aims to facilitate public and private sector cooperation and data exchange and […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

EXPEDITE aims to develop and implement a new Digital Twin (DT) for real-time monitoring, visualisation and management of energy flows at district level. The project will provide a replicable set […]

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Energy and Climate

The stormwater treatment has been a tangible challenge along the Baltic Sea region. To contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable Baltic Sea, the Interreg MUSTBE project aims at improving […]

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5GEnergy and ClimateMobility

The project CITYAM equips cities with tools to improve airspace management in dealing with emerging urban air mobility and scaling drone operations. Urban Air Mobility (UAM), its increasingly important role […]

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