Data solutions and IoT

Interconnected Devices, Smarter Living: The Internet of Things (IoT) opens the opportunity of the possibility to monitor, analyze, and respond to city needs in real-time. Rīga is actively working to facilitate the use of IoT to ensure the development of smart infrastructure that could make city more livable and accessible for its inhabitants. This includes, but not only, the use of various sensors for air quality and noise pollution monitoring, the development of digital twins, as well as real-time data-based mobility platforms.


Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

The project aims to increase the capacity of municipality staff and local stakeholders to deal with energy transition issues. In the project CommitClimate, cities will develop, test and deploy a […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

The project Climate-4-CAST provides authorities with a tool to visualize and analyze various action scenarios for meeting climate goals to better plan public budgets with climate neutrality measures and monitor […]

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Data solutions and IoT

Satellite data can provide important information on agriculture, natural resources and other areas where this kind of data can provide important information for sustainable development, but is difficult to access […]

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5GData solutions and IoTMobility

Riga and Turin to test and introduce automated drone technology for improved public safety To promote public and environmental safety while equipping the Riga Municipal Police with the latest technology, […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and ClimateMobility

Urban logistics and plaNning: AntiCipating urban freigHt generAtion and demand including dIgitalisation of urbaN freight (UNCHAIN)  The project aims to facilitate public and private sector cooperation and data exchange and […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

EXPEDITE aims to develop and implement a new Digital Twin (DT) for real-time monitoring, visualisation and management of energy flows at district level. The project will provide a replicable set […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

ATELIER is an citizen driven smart cities project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities call. Coordinated by the City of Amsterdam, the project […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

As part of the expansion of the Kipsala Smart neighbourhood, an environmental and air quality monitoring station was opened in October, with measurements available to all on a screen on […]

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Data solutions and IoTMobility

GEO RIGA is a centralised publishing platform of geospatial data maintained in municipal structural units created by the Riga City Municipality. GEO RIGA serves the municipality to initiate a dialogue […]

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Data solutions and IoTEnergy and Climate

Project aim: Urban ReLeaf aims to co-create citizen-powered data ecosystems to support climate change adaptation, green infrastructure, and urban design planning across six partner cities in cooperation with established volunteer […]

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