Urban logistics and plaNning: AntiCipating urban freigHt generAtion and demand including dIgitalisation of urbaN freight (UNCHAIN) The project aims to facilitate public and private sector cooperation and data exchange and […]
Coding the Curbs: Bookable Loading Zones
The project aims to pilot an innovative, scalable platform for bookable loading zones, with the goal of alleviating urban logistics challenges. By employing real-time monitoring, advanced analytics, algorithms, and collaborative […]
sCOOL2walk: Promoting Walkability for Children and Youth
Promoting walking as a form of active mobility can have a positive impact on health, simultaneously reducing traffic congestion and pollution in urban areas. Encouraging children to walk to school […]
EXPEDITE: Enabling Positive Energy Districts through a Planning and Management Digital Twin
EXPEDITE aims to develop and implement a new Digital Twin (DT) for real-time monitoring, visualisation and management of energy flows at district level. The project will provide a replicable set […]
MUSTBE: Multidimensional Storm Water Treatment in Urban Areas for Cleaner Baltic Sea
The stormwater treatment has been a tangible challenge along the Baltic Sea region. To contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable Baltic Sea, the Interreg MUSTBE project aims at improving […]
CITYAM: Preparing cities for sustainable urban air mobility
The project CITYAM equips cities with tools to improve airspace management in dealing with emerging urban air mobility and scaling drone operations. Urban Air Mobility (UAM), its increasingly important role […]
ATELIER: a path towards Positive Energy Districts
ATELIER is an citizen driven smart cities project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities call. Coordinated by the City of Amsterdam, the project […]
Environmental and air quality monitoring station opened in Ķīpsala and its indicators are available to all citizens
As part of the expansion of the Kipsala Smart neighbourhood, an environmental and air quality monitoring station was opened in October, with measurements available to all on a screen on […]
LIFE LATEST adapt: Developing Nature Based and Smart Solutions for Improving Urban Climate Resilience in Riga
There is urgency of improving the climate resilience within territories of Baltic local governments, to solve practical urban climatecoping challenges as well as transform the regions to be more resilient […]
What is GEO RIGA?
GEO RIGA is a centralised publishing platform of geospatial data maintained in municipal structural units created by the Riga City Municipality. GEO RIGA serves the municipality to initiate a dialogue […]