LIVEABILITY: Designing Public Services for Resilient Neighbourhoods

LIVEABILITY: Designing Public Services for Resilient Neighbourhoods

In the face of unpredictable crises, it is important that the city is viable, resilient and sustainable, and that its development is based on the needs of local communities. The Liveability project focuses primarily on fostering cooperation between citizens and public administrations to improve quality of life, strengthen civic participation and improve urban well-being.


Project objective
The overall objective of the project is to promote urban development in the Baltic Sea Region through an integrated and balanced approach to the built environment, social relations and culture, as well as by encouraging a strong sense of citizenship and innovative public services.

Activities planned in the project
⚈ The project will develop a public participatory design charter, a manual for the application of public participatory design methods, and a capacity building training programme that can be successfully applied by both participating municipalities and citizens;
⚈ Riga pilot project – a local action group will be established and a community-led local development strategy and action plan will be developed in the selected pilot area;
⚈ Exchange of experience and capacity building of stakeholders through workshops and working groups as well as international conferences.

Duration, funding, partners

Funding: Interreg Baltic Sea Region program of the European Union
Budget: Total € 3 280 395, 23 Riga Municipality funding € 280 156, 80
Duration: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2025.
Partners: Germany (Heinrich Böll Foundation SH and REM (lead partner); City of Kiel; Politics for Tomorrow (NGO), Denmark (Business Kolding (private partner); Municipality of Goldborgsund; Danish Cultural Institute), Finland (City of Pori), City of Riga, Poland (Gdansk University of Technology; City of Gdynia), Estonian Academy of Arts.

project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027.

Project website