EXPEDITE: Enabling Positive Energy Districts through a Planning and Management Digital Twin
Status: Ongoing projects

EXPEDITE aims to develop and implement a new Digital Twin (DT) for real-time monitoring, visualisation and management of energy flows at district level. The project will provide a replicable set of modelling tools that will allow stakeholders to analyse planning activities, positive energy and climate neutrality in a cost-effective way. The tools will be able to model district energy production and demand, the operational capacity of the building stock, optimise resilience and simulate mobility and transport flows.
The DT design platform will analyse a variety of possible actions, assisting energy experts and urban planners in processes where evidence-based decision-making is required. Its runtime engine will in turn optimise the energy efficiency of neighbourhoods. The DT will use a modular open architecture to support the requirements of multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational expert stakeholders. Through modelling and co-creation approaches, the project will promote public awareness and engagement in energy efficiency.
EXPEDITE DT will initially be applied to the Ķīpsala district and will provide practical guidance, create reusable models, algorithms and training materials to help Riga replicate DT in other cities in the required urban districts, promoting the widespread adoption of sustainable energy practices. The project will run from 1 November 2023 to 31 October 2026.
Duration, funding, partners
Funding: European Union research and innovation support program “Horizon for Europe”
Budget: Total € 6,121,812.50, Riga Municipality funding € 147,625.00
Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Partners: Riga Technical University (Latvia); National Technical University of Athens (Greece); University of Padua (Italy); Catholic University of Portugal (Portugal); VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic); Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland); Exus Software Monoprosopi Etairia Periorismenis Evthinis (Greece); Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Spain); DATI Group, SIA (Latvia); Atos IT Solutions and Services Iberia SL (Spain); Plegma Labs Technologikes Lyseis Anonymos Etairia (Greece); Upcom Cyprus Ltd (Cyprus); Deloitte Consulting SRL Societa’ Benefit (Italy); TECHNOLOGICKA PLATFORMA ENERGETICKABEZPECNOST CR ZS (Czech Republic); Riga City Municipality, Riga Digital Agency (Latvia); The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness ASBL (Belgium); OPEN & AGILE SMART CITIES (OASC) (Belgium); Sweco Ireland (Ireland).