The aim of the project “I-NERGY” is to provide design and piloting of artificial intelligence solutions tailored to the specifics of the energy sector, capitalizing on the most innovative artificial intelligence solutions, as well as IoT (Internet of Things) and data analysis technologies. The project will develop artificial intelligence analysis tools for integrated, optimised, smart energy management based on a unified exchange of data and information.
Description of the project
The well-being of citizens, the competitiveness of business and the overall development of society depend on secure, sustainable and affordable energy. The development of artificial intelligence in the energy sector is expected to make a significant contribution to the transformation of the energy system in the coming years, improving business performance while supporting environmental sustainability, strengthening social ties and demonstrating high social values in society.
Within the framework of the project, a pilot project of an artificial intelligence solution will be implemented in Riga City Municipality to assess energy efficiency and return on climate investments and reduce risks. A solution based on historical and newly acquired data will support investors and public/private financial institutions in assessing investment risks, the financial performance of the planned investments, as well as the impact of such investments on energy efficiency.
Other expected results of the project are as follows:
1) knowledge transfer of energy system transformation smart solutions, starting from the management of optimised grid and non-grid renewable energy assets, efficiency and reliability of electricity grid operation, optimal risk assessment for planning energy efficiency investments;
2) creation, activation and involvement of local and virtual energy communities in green energy markets;
(3) design of other non-energy services that create synergies between energy components (i.e. district heating, energy efficiency of buildings, etc.) and with non-energy sectors (i.e. e-mobility, public security, etc.) and with end-users, who often have limited technical skills to use innovative technologies, e.g. for the elderly, etc.
Duration, funding, partners
Funding: Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Budget: Total project budget – 5 585 744 EUR. Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, co-financed EUR 4 999 844. The project budget for the city of Riga is EUR 95 875.
Duration: 01.01.2021.-31.12.2023.
Partners: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece) – lead partner, Riga Energy Agency (Latvia), ASM Terni SpA (Italy), Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) (Portugal), SIA “Communications and Sensori” (Slovenia), German Artificial Intelligence Research Centre GMBH (Germany), SONCE ENERGIJA D.O.O. (Slovenia), BFP Group – Studio Tecnico Bfp Societa a Responsabilita Limitata (Italy), VEOLIA SERVICIOS LECAM SOCIEDAD ANONIMA UNIPERSONAL (Spain), Green Energy Cooperative – Zelena Energetska Zadruga (Croatia).