Urban logistics and plaNning: AntiCipating urban freigHt generAtion and demand including dIgitalisation of urbaN freight (UNCHAIN)
The project aims to facilitate public and private sector cooperation and data exchange and interoperability to improve logistics planning, promote and move towards the creation of European space for mobility data. The project’s activities include analyzing the existing transport data flow, preparing guidelines for the creation of city logistics platforms, as well as identifying the good practices of partner cities in data collection. Project will create a set of services for optimal and flexible urban logistics operation, management, planning and policymaking, unleashing the potential that technology and digitalisation can bring to the sustainable urban logistics and moving towards climate-neutral and smart cities.
In the UNCHAIN project, Rīga takes part as a follower city, alongside the primary demonstration sites of Madrid, Berlin, and Florence, implementing the solutions developed in the project. Rīga will support the demonstration of on-street loading zones planning tool as well as active UVARs and City Regulations tool.
Duration, funding, partners:
Funding: Horizon Europe
Budget: Total € 8 434 788,75, EU contribution € 6 955 273.50, Rīga Municipality budget €177 500.00, EU contribution 100%.
Duration: 01.05.2023. – 30.09.2026.
Partners: ETRA (coordinator), City of Madrid, City of Berlin and City of Florence (living labs), City of Prague, City of Mechelen, Municipality of Funchal, Rīga City Council (following cities), UPS Italia, DHL Express Spain, University of Lancaster, Instituto de Biomecánica, EIT Urban Mobility Foundation, POLIS Network, SPES Consulting SRL, Municipia SPA, VMZ Berlin, Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid S.A., Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment Berlin.