The project aims to pilot an innovative, scalable platform for bookable loading zones, with the goal of alleviating urban logistics challenges. By employing real-time monitoring, advanced analytics, algorithms, and collaborative efforts, the pilot seeks to enhance the current system.
The objectives of the project are to develop a scalable platform for booking Smart Zones, establish a data analysis tool to measure the impact of Smart Zones, and create a handbook for implementing the Smart Zones.
In Riga, the solution will be piloted in the campus territory of the Riga Technical University, empowering logistic companies, local businesses, and citizens to easily access and book Smart Zones. The web-based application provides a user-friendly interface for finding Smart Zones, reserving timeslots, and managing bookings. The solution can facilitate cities’ transition towards the implementation of zero-emission zones.
Duration, funding, partners:
Funding: EIT Urban mobility
Budget: Total € 374 800.00, EU contribution € 246 281.00, Riga Municipality budget € 42 125.00, EU contribution €33 700.00
Duration: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2023.
Partners: Coding the Curbs (lead partner), Riga City Council, Gemeente Groningen, District 6 of Bucharest Municipality