Promoting walking as a form of active mobility can have a positive impact on health, simultaneously reducing traffic congestion and pollution in urban areas. Encouraging children to walk to school not only fosters a sense of independence and community building but also enhances their awareness of the surrounding environment. Nevertheless, some parents may harbour concerns about their child’s safety, attributing it to high traffic or inadequate pedestrian infrastructure.
The sCOOL2walk project is aimed at promoting walkability among children and youth by creating a web application that connects parents and students to share their commute to school. The initiative will be piloted in three European cities - Barcelona, Siġġiewi (Malta) and in Riga. In Riga the web application will be tested in the Riga Secondary School No. 45 and the Riga Centre Humanitarian Secondary School.
The project foresees to demonstrate a tool that allows the school community to walk to school in and organized manner, develop confidence in active mobility, leading children to walk to school safely and independently, as well as to assist the city with traffic management in the school perimeter.
Duration, funding, partners:
Funding: EIT Urban mobility
Budget: Total € 377 068.00, EU contribution € 260 047.00, Riga Municipality budget € 9 800.00, EU contribution € 6 664.00
Duration: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2023.
Partners: CARNET (lead partner), Barcelona City Council, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Future Mobility Network, Project Aegle Foundation, Authority for Transport in Malta, Riga City Council, innovation movement VEFRESH.