ALB Custom Element
- Annual “Climathon” Hackathon to Tackle Circular Economy and Green Mobility Challenges
- Baltic Sustainability Awards 2023 concludes with game-changing initiatives in six award categories that encompass every facet of sustainability
- Baltic Sustainability Awards 2023 Invites Nominations for Sustainable Innovations Across the Baltic Region
- Bruntor selected as one of the TOP 20 GLOBAL Mobility Startups to Watch in 2025
- Bruntor, a special cargo scooter developed in Latvia – adapted for janitors and tested in real-life environment with excllent results
- Coding the Curbs: Transforming Urban Space Management with Smart Parking Zones
- Discover GEO RIGA, Riga’s geospatial information platform
- Drone data collection and processing – Riga shares use cases and valuable insights
- Eurocities Digital Forum in Riga
- European Mobility Week in Rīga
- First datasets on Riga available for download on GEO RĪGA
- GEO RĪGA: Explore Rīga in a Different Way
- GREEN DASH: Practical approach to last mile deliveries and city services
- Join the annual Urban Mobility Incubator
- OPEN CALL for startup organizations in Rīga
- Riga and Turin to test and introduce automated drone technology for improved public safety
- Rīga Facilitates Sustainable Mobility Solutions with GreenDash Project: Electric Cargo Scooters Tested for Communal Services
- Riga high-resolution 3D reality and 3D vector model developed
- Riga Planning Region Launches ‘Adopt a Sensor’ Campaign
- Riga Rises 24 Places in the International Smart City Index
- Rīga Takes Center Stage at the 7th Annual 5G Techritory Forum
- Rīga to Showcase Smart City Innovations at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024 in Barcelona
- Rīgas City Municipality participates in Smart City Expo World Congress 2023 in Barselona
- Smart City Conference 2023
- Smart Rīga Joins the Latvian Delegation to Berlin for the Smart Country Convention
- Take part in the hackathon “The Big Four: from room to patient”
- Third Annual Smart Cities Conference 2024 Wraps Up with Success
- Urban Mobility Hackathon
- 5G for a Better Tomorrow: Protecting Lives and the Environment in Riga and Turin
- A smart bicycle parking facility is being tested in Riga
- ATELIER: a path towards Positive Energy Districts
- BSR ELECTRIC: Fostering E-mobility Solutions in Urban Areas in the Baltic Sea Region
- CITYAM: Preparing cities for sustainable urban air mobility
- Climate-4-CAST
- Coding the Curbs: Bookable Loading Zones
- CommitClimate: Towards Energy Transition and Climate Neutrality in the Baltic Sea Region Municipalities
- CURE+ Educating municipalities on circular economy practices and fostering its uptake to reduce household-related construction and demolition waste
- Environmental and air quality monitoring station opened in Ķīpsala and its indicators are available to all citizens
- EUCITYCALC: Prospective modelling tool supporting public authorities in reaching climate neutrality
- EXPEDITE: Enabling Positive Energy Districts through a Planning and Management Digital Twin
- Greening the last mile: GREEN DASH
- I-NERGY: Artificial intelligence for next generation energy
- JUST STREETS: prioritizing just and active mobility, while championing sustainability and inclusivity for all
- Launching the First Mobility Point in Riga
- LIFE LATEST adapt: Developing Nature Based and Smart Solutions for Improving Urban Climate Resilience in Riga
- MUSTBE: Multidimensional Storm Water Treatment in Urban Areas for Cleaner Baltic Sea
- Riga supports testing of electric car charging stations at Ķīpsala using street lighting poles
- SATSDIFACTION: Satellite data and Spatial Data Infrastructures for an evidence-based regional governance
- sCOOL2walk: Promoting Walkability for Children and Youth
- SEED: Doughnut Economics Approach for Sustainable Decarbonisation and Citizen Engagement
- Smart lights in Ķīpsala have helped the municipality save more than 4600 euros
- SUPERSHINE: Empowering communities, tackling energy poverty through social housing renovation
- URBAN RELEAF: Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions
- What is GEO RIGA?